Thursday, September 24, 2009

Thoughts so far

Don't let anybody tell you that taking an online course/program is easy. Well this one anyway...its jam packed!
Or maybe I just have to much on my plate. I think most people are afraid to say 'no'. We all want to be the one who can handle everything...but this is where we get into trouble. Ever since I started this program I've had the feeling of being behind and unorganized, in every aspect of my life, but especially school (because this is most important right now).
Each semester (ok the last two cause I had no idea what I was getting into in the first) I planned everything, separated my courses, used colored dividers for assignments, notes etc. and promised THIS time I will be on top of things...well I'm not.
I still feel behind and like I'm missing important information.
Now, I am the ultimate in organization, gonna go out on a limb and say I'm even OCD about it, which erks me even more because I don't feel organized!!!
I just took two online quizes tonight (and this happened in previous semesters) and there were questions on there that I had absolutely no idea what the answer was! I thought I had read all the notes, books, online info etc. that we were supposed to read but apparently not.
So, I go back and review...did I miss something? did I read something incorrectly? am I completely stunned? And STILL I cannot find the answer...frustrating. I thought I had everything where I needed it.
I know when its all over, it will be such an amazing accomplishment for everybody no matter what your situation...and this is why I continue on. I love this program and everything it is about. Now, if I can just get organized. :)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The new world

Ok...I really need to put my camera away but who knew you could take such amazing pictures through the microscope?! Here are just a few pics of what we see (this is for my peeps who are not in my class) You really need to take a micro bi!
And for those in my class...if you haven't yet, you have to stick your camera up to the microscope, its amazing.
I'm only at the end of first year, but by far this is the most interesting course(s) yet.

These are pictures of yeast and skin cells, some white blood cells and a parasite egg, called Coccidia.

Excuse the spelling and grammer, its atrocious!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Well I looked at my Blood Agar Plates today and got some growth. I did not get as much as some of my classmates but was happy with the results I did get. I had trouble maintaining a heat of
35 degrees celcius which may have inhibited my bacterial growth.

Thought I'd post some pic of my results (sorry its hard to read my notes in the pics):

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Second Day of School

Well today is the second day of semester 3 of year one. Got my blog up and running and am now about to 'hit the books' as they say. I'm already a day behind!
However, I am excited about this aspect of school as microbiology has always been very interesting to me.
I must admit though I am feeling a bit anxious as there seems to be A LOT of information in this semester!
Well good luck everybody and I look forward to reading everybody's blogs!!