Thursday, September 24, 2009

Thoughts so far

Don't let anybody tell you that taking an online course/program is easy. Well this one anyway...its jam packed!
Or maybe I just have to much on my plate. I think most people are afraid to say 'no'. We all want to be the one who can handle everything...but this is where we get into trouble. Ever since I started this program I've had the feeling of being behind and unorganized, in every aspect of my life, but especially school (because this is most important right now).
Each semester (ok the last two cause I had no idea what I was getting into in the first) I planned everything, separated my courses, used colored dividers for assignments, notes etc. and promised THIS time I will be on top of things...well I'm not.
I still feel behind and like I'm missing important information.
Now, I am the ultimate in organization, gonna go out on a limb and say I'm even OCD about it, which erks me even more because I don't feel organized!!!
I just took two online quizes tonight (and this happened in previous semesters) and there were questions on there that I had absolutely no idea what the answer was! I thought I had read all the notes, books, online info etc. that we were supposed to read but apparently not.
So, I go back and review...did I miss something? did I read something incorrectly? am I completely stunned? And STILL I cannot find the answer...frustrating. I thought I had everything where I needed it.
I know when its all over, it will be such an amazing accomplishment for everybody no matter what your situation...and this is why I continue on. I love this program and everything it is about. Now, if I can just get organized. :)


  1. I'm with you. I had no idea how much was involved in this course. It often overwhelms me. I think I've caught up and bam! five more assignments. Add school to working full time (plus an extra job on Sat.), home, kids, pets, life and the occasional need to sleep and eat and where did the day go!

  2. I will have to say I'm finding this semester harded then the last 2. I know its a lot of reading.
